Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week One, January 21, 2011

In both the Family Studio class and the Saturday Studio class we opened our first session with the exploration of materials.  Our students were encouraged to play and experiment with clay, paint, and drawing materials.  It was a great way for parents and children to familiarize themselves with different art mediums.  It was also a chance for Kathryn and I to get to know our students and any specific preferences they might have towards one medium or another.

There were many great moments in both our Family and Saturday Studio class.  One moment in particular comes to mind.  One of our young boys was experimenting with the clay.  His father sat behind him also experimenting.  His father would make small figures with his clay and quietly put them next to his son while he was working.  When the son noticed his father's clay figures he would "Oooh" and "Ahhh" with excitement; then he would pick up the figures and change them or add them to his own work, creating a merged sculpture.  It was nice how they worked together to create something new.  The boy's father did a great job of offering new material and ideas without overpowering his son's own individual sense of creativity.  They made a great team! 
Mandala created by a student in the Saturday Studio class

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